Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mixed Content

Under the starting page â€ÂÂœMy Account Overview,â€ÂÂ� there is a 3-step setup process, mostly completed. 1. Sign up for a Business Account (completed). 2. Verify your information (completed). 3. Set up your payment solution - will be MOSTLY completed and you will need to click the GO button for the Accept Billing Agreement. It will say that you agree to the $30 charge, but of course they are not going to charge you for testing. Complete that agreement and then your Paypal test account should be setup and good to go.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Ut in augue turpis. Suspendisse purus diam, fermentum ut elementum a, vehicula eget metus. Suspendisse id eros quis sapien scelerisque consequat vel a magna. Nam et sapien quis tellus dictum bibendum nec posuere magna. In pharetra lorem sed mi ullamcorper cursus. Quisque massa ligula, ornare vel bibendum vel, sagittis a ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer eu mi vitae ante dapibus elementum vel ac sapien. Nunc fringilla suscipit dui a posuere. Curabitur dignissim nisi quis sapien porttitor eu semper libero euismod. Mauris convallis pulvinar tortor tristique blandit. Morbi ultrices consequat consectetur. Etiam dolor purus, egestas sed consequat ultricies, semper quis sem. Maecenas consequat condimentum mauris id iaculis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras nisi eros, rhoncus in ullamcorper vel, consequat eu nisi. Praesent ac risus id risus pulvinar bibendum nec at erat. Aenean tortor magna, dictum id tincidunt nec, pulvinar a magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce at dolor risus.

Curabitur gravida interdum massa, sit amet porttitor ligula venenatis id. Fusce eget sapien sagittis tortor aliquet tincidunt. Aenean interdum consequat cursus. Morbi auctor porta ligula pretium eleifend. Nullam consequat rhoncus neque, vitae luctus lorem semper elementum. Fusce ut felis vitae lorem fermentum condimentum a a nulla. Phasellus tristique ornare enim id porta. Nulla fermentum, ipsum ut accumsan aliquet, leo mauris molestie erat, ac faucibus ligula ligula eu libero. Integer in cursus arcu. Aliquam aliquam velit sit amet lorem volutpat nec mattis felis facilisis. Maecenas at ullamcorper justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc mauris neque, imperdiet non bibendum sed, adipiscing ac massa. Phasellus vel augue nisi, sed posuere purus. Suspendisse porta pellentesque libero a ullamcorper. Quisque a eros ipsum, non tristique nisl.


Don't make fun of Bobby Lashley and his pro wrestling background. The former WWE star said he was incensed by the fact that his opponent Mike Cook came to the cage in a lucha libre mask a la Nacho Libre.

Lashley is generally a polite, sportsman but he refused to touch gloves with Cook. He charged Cook in the opening seconds and missed with a huge right. Cook made the mistake of dropping his head. Lashley, a big MMA heavyweight at 6-foot-3, 249 pounds, grabbed onto Cook's head with his left arm. From there, he used his bulk to lean on Cook and it took just a few seconds for Cook to wilt under Lashley's weight. Lashley flattened out Cook (7-4) and re-positioned his right arm to cinch on a choke. Cook's legs could be seen quivering and referee John McCarthy had to step in to stop the fight (video). All that in just 24 seconds during Maximum Fighting Championship 21 at the River Cree Resort and Casino just outside Edmonton, Alberta

"I'm here for business," said Lashley (3-0). "I'm here and everyone wants to and tries to make fun of the wrestling thing. I'm real. If they want to play around, I'll knock them out or choke them out. And that's what I did. I choked him out and made him pay. Now he can go put the mask back on and have fun with himself."

Lashley, making the conversion from the fake stuff with Vince McMahon, started training mixed martial arts last year. He won his first fight in 41 seconds when Joshua Franklin couldn't continue with a cut on his forehead. His last time out in March, Lashley won a decision against veteran Jason Guida.

Lashley needed to get through this fight unscathed because he has a stiff test against freakazoid Bob Sapp (pictured below on the right) right around the corner. Sapp, a former NFL player, NCAA All-American at Washington and a huge crossover star in Japan, is 6-4, 345. He doesn't have much stamina but he is dangerous for about 4-5 minutes. Sapp (10-3-1) and Lashley will meet on June 27 in Biloxi, Miss.